Website Research

Throughout this project I have been looking into a number of different websites that will help me develop my own ideas. These examples use bold colours and visually appealing illustration to make them stand out and engage their audiences. The star wars example uses bold colours and eye catching images to draw in their audience. They also use nice icons and an effective layout to present their information in a visual manner. This makes it more enticing for the user when coming across this website. It also encourages them to explore the rest of the website and discover further information. The Business Logic Group website includes a number of animations on its site. They are drawn in a simple yet effective manner that catches the user’s interest. The animation shows what the company does. This is an interesting way in which to present this information. I have also looked into one page site such as this promotional site for a graphic designer. This site includes a number of nicely designed illustrations. This webpage presents all the necessary information very nicely through the use of a good layout and well placed images. It also adapts fluidly across devices and does so with ease because of the well thought out layout. This Sharp website appears very commercial but is very effective in making it appear different from its competitors. It does this through the use of subtle animations on the images and text. An example of this is on the main page where the title “SHARP” appears from behind the image of a set of mountains. This is a good way of differentiating themselves and appearing new and up to date to their audience. This has a constant colour scheme throughout that makes a cohesive experience across the website. The layout of the text and images makes for a nice visual experience.

 Website1 Website2 Website4Website3

One thought on “Website Research

  1. thank you for the recommendations you provide


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