Adobe Animate

Why is Adobe Animate the right tool for this project?


Adobe Animate, formally known as Adobe Flash, allows the user to create animation for html As this project will have animation embedded in the webpage itself Adobe Animate will be the most appropriate tool to make engaging, eye catching animation.  This software would be more appropriate than After Effects as the finished animation will not have to be inserted into the webpage as an external video. It will also give me the option to add interactive animation to the website which could be useful in encouraging audience engagement with the subject matter. Adobe Animate offers a large amount of control over the animation and will allow me to produce fluent and impactful animation that will invite and encourage the user to find out more about MS. As this is a tool that i have not previously used before Animate offers me an opportunity to explore new software and also expand my knowledge of animation techniques that will make my work appear more professional and engaging.


Using Easing

No EasingEase InEase Out

This series of images shows how a circle animates over five frames when moving down from one point to another. Through the use of the onion tool we can demonstrate how the object moves on varying types of easing. Easing can make an animation appear more natural and fluid. These examples show easing at the extreme end of each spectrum. When easing in you can see from the example images that the frames are mostly at the beginning of the animation. This makes the animation appear slower to begin with and then speeds up towards the end. Easing out does the opposite of this and speeds up the beginning and slowing the end of the animation. By using easing effectively the user can produce a more fluid looking animation by making movement look less robotic and more natural. This is effective with character animation in particular as it simulates how velocity would effect an object in reality, therefore appearing more natural to the viewer.


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